
TOP > 【メール便送料無料】Chris Whitley & Jeff Lang / Dislocation Blues (輸入盤CD) (クリス・ホィットリー)

【メール便送料無料】Chris Whitley & Jeff Lang / Dislocation Blues (輸入盤CD) (クリス・ホィットリー)

2007/4/3 発売輸入盤収録曲:(クリスホィットリー)DISLOCATION is Chris Whitley's last studio recording and is a collaborative effort featuring himself and Jeff Lang. This album was recorded in April of 2005 in Lang's home base of Melbourne, Australia and includes covers of Prince's "Forever In My Life," and Dylan's "When I Paint My Masterpiece" and "Changing Of The Guard. Also a bonus hidden track "Hellbound On My Trail."


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