
TOP > 【メール便送料無料】Eluveithe / Evocation I: The Arcade Dominion (輸入盤CD) (エルヴェイティ)

【メール便送料無料】Eluveithe / Evocation I: The Arcade Dominion (輸入盤CD) (エルヴェイティ)

2009/5/19 発売輸入盤収録曲:1. Sacrapos - At First Glance - 2:012. Brictom - 4:223. A Girls Oath - 1:184. The Arcane Dominion - 5:425. Within the Grove - 1:516. The Cauldron of Renascence - 2:047. Nata - 4:028. Omnos - 3:489. Carnutian Forest - 3:1610. Dessumiis Luge - 3:2811. Gobanno - 3:1512. Voveso in Mori - 4:0913. Memento - 3:2014. Ne Regv Na - 5:0615. Sacrapos - The Disparaging Last Gaze - 2:4316. Slania [Folk Medley] - 1:5217. Omnos [Early Metal Version] - 3:49(エルヴェイティ)Eluveities North American debut, SLANIA, took the world by surprise, scanning over 8,000 units via SoundScan in less than a year! For a virtually unknown Swiss folk band boasting 8 members who play a variety of unique and traditional instruments, their ascent has been a quick and rather unexpected one. This album of traditional folk songs written in an ancient Gaulish language is an experimental foray into unprecedented worlds and will precede their next proper full-length!


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